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How to consume Raw Neem-giloy:Just take an inch of giloy (sufficient for 2-3 persons for a day), peel the outer skin, and cut into smaller pieces. Boil it in water for sometime.If you have raw natural turmeic, add it to the boiling water. 2 to 3 cms is sufficient.Once boiled, add black pepper to it. One can add honey for taste and health benefits.Drink the water. One should eat the remaining turmeric pieces. and also can chew the remaining giloy till it has little juice left. Take the above twice a day.About GiloyGiloy also known as Guluchi / Guduchi, is a famous Ayurvedic perennial climber herb in India. It grows in deciduous forests often on Mango, Banyan or Neem tree. It has significant heart shaped leaves, yellow flowers and ripe drupes are red in colour. The barks are grey in colour and roots are aerial in nature. Guluchi is an excellent Rasayana for the treatment of various diseases.The main effect of Guduchi or Tinospora Cordifolia is on AMA (Toxins formed in the body due to mal-absorption and indigestion).
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