Letter to Customers
Welcome to the wonderful world of natural foods! We all at ARANYAANI feel a deep gratitude and satisfaction, when each new customer or member joins us.
Who are we?
Beyond our visible human faces, websites and effort, exist the real front-line soldiers in our team – the honeybees and earthworms working relentlessly, birds planting the seeds each year and plants hoping to become trees one day and trees giving shelters to all so that the cycle continues. Then lie the remote communities, mostly tribals, who work to make sure we can preserve whatever good remains.
We work with one single motive: If at all, we are mere custodians of a great system. As our duty, when we depart, we leave better lives and nature, than what we inherited.
For each acre food forest we grow each year, we see around many acres of habitats lost that year. Each year in summers, I see distressed snakes trying to find new habitat in our food forests as their places have been upturned by heavy machines and converted to chemical farms or industrial units.
Each customer is important to us. Each such linkage strengthens our work and ability to grow more food forests.
Why our foods?
In last 40 years, we have been driven away from natural foods, inhaling and ingesting foods that have molecules that were never known to human body during the entire evolution of millions of years. Further, the way we consume these artificial foods e.g. fruits juices versus Fruit with its skin, adds to redundancy of many body processes. To add to it, modern jobs require unhealthy postures, unnatural stress, less exposure to sunlight and less daytime sweating, and many such factors along with modern food can lead us to suffer from many health problems.
Health issues, starting with manageable ones like acidity, skin issues, obesity and then progressing to loss of immunity, indigestion, diabetes, heart issues and in increasing cases graduating to cell mutations causing cancers. Such scenarios have made a mockery of human life, families and in most cases financial well-being. It is time NOW to move to natural forest foods, starting with simple food habit changes. Turn to nature and see the wonderful results.
A request
Our foods are unprocessed and without chemicals. Hence they cannot be left on store shelves or for middlemen to adulterate. In addition, whatever is not going to be consumed, is best left in forests. There it regenerates and become part of the ecology cycle.
So we are directly putting up our supply. We prefer pre-orders and plan backwards. It might take some time to refine and perfect our processes.
With your patronage, we will certainly add more food forests and more products, and save ecology for future generations.
With Warm Regards
Sandeep Saxena
To know more about myself and our views:
Blog: Aranyaani – the journey
A book by Sandeep Saxena: The Diary of a Snake Charmer