Toor/Arhar (Pigeon pea) is full of nutrition and offers many health benefits. It is a very well-known and commonly used pulse in India. It has been cultivated since prehistoric times for its nutritional and medicinal benefits.
It is also a good source of protein, dietary fiber, many vitamins and minerals. It is also low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. It is good source of folate/folic acid, which is especially required during pregnancy to prevent birth defects in developing baby. It is easily digestible and can be eaten daily.
Along with the benefits of the seeds used as pulses, different part of toor dal plant or have been used for medicinal purpose since time immemorial. Its young pods, shoots, leaves all are edible. The leaves are used for mouthwash, tongue sores, gums problems, to induce uterine contraction, loose motions etc.
Order here: Stone Grouted Natural Toor/ Arahar Daal
The leaves possess antibacterial activity against Gram-positive micro-organisms. They also have hypocholesterolemic, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antioxidant, laxative, diuretic, cooling and anodyne properties. The roots possess anticancer activity, antibacterial activity and antioxidant activity. In Tamil Nadu, the leaf, seeds and young stems are used to cure gingivitis, stomatitis. The plant is also used as toothbrush. Traditionally, the leaves are also used in treatment of jaundice, stomach pain, piles and diabetes. The leaves are chewed for tongue sores, gum inflammation and spongy gums.
The leaves are also used topically for treating measles and other skin eruptions. The infusion of leaves is also used for bathing in measles. In swelling due to any reason, the poultice of leaves is applied externally. The young leaves poultice is used on inflammation of gums. The leaves paste is also applied on sores.
Note: We advise that natural products be consumed in their pristine form, without any preservatives or processing chemicals added, unless a preparation is advised by an Ayurvedic doctor.
It gives maximum health benefits and keeps costs low (compared to the huge medical costs due to modern diseases.)
For more about Toor plant: