Safed Musli
Safed musli( botanical name Chlorophytum tuberosum) is a herb commonly found in some patches of forest areas of whole of India. This is used in Ayurvedic medicines for strength and vigour, is a rich source of over 25 alkaloids.
It is a wonder drug and this contains a new glycoside 5, 7-:dimethoxy myricetin 3-O- -L-.xylopyranosyl 4-0 I -D glucopyranoside.
It belongs to family Liliaceae. It is a herb with sub erect lancelet leaves. It flowers in the month of August and early September. The flowers are white in color. The leaves are dried in the month of Dec/Jan and it remains dormant during rest of year (early winter till break of monsoon). The propagation through seeds is very scarce. Since the establishment of the crop by seeds is very rare; if the tubers are removed the herb cannot be reestablished in the natural forests.
Ayurvedic texts list musli under vrishyadi varga (plants which are aphrodisiac):
“Mushali madhura vrishya veeryoshna brihmani guruhu|
Tiktha rasaayanee hanthi gudajanya anilam tatha||”
“The rhizomes of musli have the following qualities. It is heavy to digest and contains lot of moistness. It tastes sweet and the sweetness remains till it is digested. It acts as a coolant.
It increases kapha and normalizes vitiated pitta and vata.”
Uses of musli:
• Its very effective in diseases which arise due to vitiation of vata and pitta .
- Ayurvedic texts commend this herb as “Shukrala”, which means the herb which increases quality and quantity of semen or shukra dhatu. It is recommended for men who suffer from low sperm count and low sperm motility.
- This plant is widely used in preparations to rectify impotence and erectile dysfunction. It has immunization stimulating properties which can be helpful for overall health. The research done on rat also stated that they found an increases in sperm countwithin 60 daysof regular doses given regular given to the rats. So they believe that roots of Chlorophytum borivilianum can be useful to cure of certain forms of sexual deficiencies such as premature ejaculation or oligospermia. In other reports, rats have benefited from this plant and shown increased sexual activity and increased libido as well as having a significantly higher sperm increase.
- As it has cooling properties, it is widely used in urinary tract infections.
- For Diarrhea: Chlorophytum borivilianum is used as treatment for general debility. It is used in the treatment for diarrhea and dysentery and as a visualizer for the entire body.
- The root powder is deep-fried in ghee (clarified butter) and munched to get rid of throat and mouth and infections. It is also used as a remedy for arthritis and is often used as the ingredient in paan.
- For Diabetics: It works as an overall tonic and for its so-called stimulative purposes, the powdered root has to be taken with warm milk. One teaspoon of root powder in a glass of warm milk can be taken in the morning and evening, although once a day is useful as a general health tonic.
- It is also used as a treatment for arthritis, rheumatism and joint pain and is said to boost the immune system. It is believed by therapists in Chhattisgarh, India, that if you only eat the leaves of safed musli as a vegetable once in a time of a year, your body will be immune from disease for the whole year.
- Its regular use of causes increase in the level of High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL).