Botnical Name: Boerhavia diffusa
English Name: Red Hogweed
Indian Name: Spreading Hogweed, Beshakapore, Punarvava, Raktpunarnava
Part Used: Herb, Root
Punarnava is a very important medicinal herb of Ayurveda. Its name is derived from two words, Punar (= once again /regaining/restoring) and Nava (=new, renew or young), so the literal meaning of the name is, one which becomes new or young again. This name signifies the rejuvenating property of Punarnava. It is a Rasayan herb of Ayurveda which renews the body or restores youth.
This Ayurvedic herb is found throughout India. Growing to 70 centimeters in height. It has a large root system and produces yellow and white flowers.
Punarnava in India where it has a long history of use by indigenous and tribal people, and in Aruyvedic or natural/herbal medicine in India. There, the roots are employed for many purposes including liver, gallbladder, kidney, renal and urinary disorders.
In Ayurveda, Punarnava is considered bitter, cooling and pungent. It acts on plasma, blood, muscles, fat, nerves and reproductive organs. The herb exhibits significant anti-inflammatory, laxative and diuretic action along with stomachic, expectorant, rejuvenative, diaphoretic and emetic properties. It is one of the best herb used for diseases of liver and kidney. It is very effective in treatment of dengue fever and very good for curing jaundice and hepatitis b. It is prescribed in urinary problems, kidney-bladder stones, kidney disorders, enlargement of liver, cirrhosis of liver, jaundice, dropsy, oedema and similar inflammatory conditions and chronic ophthalmia.
Preparation: Use leaf juice with honey.