Honey Bees
Our ecosystems are made for sustenance of 2 species: Honey bees, and Earthworms, both critical for survival of any race, including humans on this planet.
For Honey bees we need:
- Trees that bees like for living or making their combs
- Flowers of All sizes (for different types of bees), different types of plants/ trees so that flowering happens year round
- Care that honey bees or their eggs do not suffer massive loss, while honey is being harvested.
In India, due to market pressure, greed and ignorance, the cruelty to honey bees has reached unbearable levels.
For example, honey bees are also boxed and hence have to be kept live on antiseptics (similar to caged poultry or injected milking animals), and artificial fructose solutions. In such an ecosystem, the breeders don’t have to worry about development of flora or ecology.
In addition, in case of natural honeycombs, the traditional tribal method of removing honey without crushing wax, or burning bees, is getting lost. In that process, generations of bees and eggs are lost.
Lastly, bees need year round flowering (of flowers of their natural habitat, and not GM flower sizes) and fresh water. Both are deeply stressed.
Our food forests are an effort to give a good natural zone to bees and bring back the pristine honeys.
Pristine, natural honey is one of nature’s most remarkable gifts to mankind. Modern research indicates this substance does possess unique nutritional and medicinal properties. The latest research indicates that the pollen in honey contains all 22 amino acids, 28 minerals, 11 enzymes, 14 fatty acids and 11 carbohydrates. Honey is considered as an all-purpose medicine for all types of diseases.
Unfortunately much of these nutritive qualities are lost by heating the honey for commercial use, or by using honey prepared from Boxed Bees, and infesting them with antiseptics and heavy metals. We believe that such honeys are more toxic than beneficial, and should be avoided.
Our Honey is completely natural. Many times, we get close to mono- floral honeys that comes from Gooler, Semal, Mahua, Til, Mango, Neem, Moringa, etc. Apis-indica, popularly known as Indian bee, is of commonest occurrence in our food forests.
Each type of honey has different properties, flavor and season. The summer honeys are typically from Mahua, palash, semal, mango, moringa etc, and are sweet, thinner and crystallize less, while winter honeys are crystallized, slightly pungent due to mustard or til, and highly medicinal.
Order here:
Exotic Winter Honey with Til/ Mustard Flower Predominance
Honey with Semal or Mahua or Mango Flower Predominance
Rare Honey with Neem Flower Predominance
Wild Mixed Flower Forest Honey
To know more about toxic honey conspiracy, please search online. Also read: http://chani.invisionzone.com/forums/topic/8267-honey-is-yours-toxic/
The internet and literature is full of qualities of honey and its uses for human body. We recommend the following sites to read more:
Natural benefits and curative properties
Honey is one of the finest sources of heat and energy. Honey is one of the most easily digested forms of carbohydrates. It enters directly into the bloodstream because of its dextrin content, and this provides almost instantaneous energy.
Traditionally, according to the texts of ayurveda, honey is a boon to those with weak digestion. The texts state that all the organs in the body respond favorably when honey is eaten. Honey is considered as an all-purpose medicine for all types of diseases.
The texts also state that a spoon of fresh honey, mixed with the juice of half a lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and taken first thing in the morning, is an effective remedy for constipation and hyperacidity. Fasting on this honey-lemon juice water is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without loss of energy and appetite.
A mixture of honey and alcohol is believed to promote growth of hair.
Honey and the heart
Honey is easily digested and assimilated; it is the best sweet food, as it does not cause flatulence and can prevent it to a certain extent, promoting the activity of the bowels. It can be easily added to the five meals a day, and the texts of ayurveda recommended it in cases of arteriosclerosis and weak hearts.
As it would be unwise to leave such a hard-working organ as the heart without food over the long hours of the night, the ancient texts recommend taking, before going to bed, a glass of water with honey and lemon juice in it, and also to take it when awakening at night. Traditional ayurvedic experts recommend honey for cardiac pain and palpitation of the heart.
Honey is remarkable in building hemoglobin in the body, which is largely due to the iron, copper and manganese contained in it. The ancient texts declare it beneficial in the treatment of anemia, as it helps maintain the right balance of hemoglobin and red blood corpuscles.
Pulmonary health
Ancient ayurvedic experts regarded honey as highly beneficial in the support of lung health and treatment of all imbalances of the lungs. The texts of ayurveda state that if a jug of honey is held under the nose of an asthma patient and he inhales the air that comes into contact with the honey, he starts breathing easier and deeper. The effects last for about an hour or so.
This is because honey contains a mixture of “higher” alcohols and ethereal oil, and the vapors given off by them are soothing and beneficial to the asthma patients, according to ayurveda. It usually brings relief, whether the air flowing over the honey is inhaled or whether it is eaten or taken either in milk or water. Some ayurvedic experts recommend one-year-old honey for respiratory diseases.
The texts of ayurveda also describe how honey applied externally is considered useful in the treatment of wounds and sores. Honey, they state, soothes pain, acts as an antiseptic, hastens healing and is especially effective in curing burns and carbuncles.
The texts of ayurveda also say the use of honey is highly beneficial in the treatment of irritating cough. As a demulcent or soothing agent, it produces a soothing effect on the inflammed mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and relieves irritating cough and symptoms like difficulty in swallowing. For the same reason, it is used in the manufacture of various cough mixtures. Honey gargles are also useful in irritant cough.
Oral diseases
Honey is regarded by ayurvedic experts as valuable in keeping the mouth healthy. Applied daily over the teeth and gums, it cleans and gives sparkle to the teeth. It prevents the deposit of tartar at the base of the teeth, and prevents decay and early falling of the teeth. Being a mild antiseptic, it prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms.
It also keeps the gums in a healthy state, increasing their vascularity. In case of ulcers in the oral cavity, honey helps in their early healing and prevents further sepsis and pyogenic infection-related bad odor and pus formation. Gargling with honey water is very useful in gingivitis due to inflammation of the gums.
Honey has a long history of ayurvedic use for various eye ailments. Applied daily in the eyes, it improves the eyesight. It is very useful in the treatment of itching of the eyes, trachoma, conjunctivitis and other similar diseases. Its regular internal as well as external application will prevent glaucoma in the initial stage of the disease.
The stomach
Ayurvedic experts have long regarded honey as useful in maintaining the health of the stomach. It tones up the stomach, helps in proper digestion and prevents stomach diseases. It also decreases the overproduction of hydrochloric acid, thereby preventing symptoms like nausea, vomiting and heartburn.
According to the texts of ayurveda, when putrified fecal matter and undigested foods are present in the alimentary canal, honey acts as a laxative and emetic and clears the digestive canal of the waste matter.
The texts also state that honey is useful especially in providing energy and heat to the body in old age. It dries up the phlegm and clears the system of mucus, to which a person generally falls victim in old age. One or two ful teaspoon of honey in a cupful of boiled water that has been cooled to lukewarm is a refreshing and strengthening drink.