Cows Project
Vision: “Create goodwill and good business while making cows happy and ecology stronger.”
- Total current capacity for free roaming cows across all food forests at various stages: 2000+
- Plan to expand cows to 1000 in this phase, over next 1-2 years
- Existing number of cows: 53
- Already committed new cows under this plan: 110
- Investment per cow: 70k (see details below in Financial Plan section)
- Expected and minimum revenue to Cow owner per quarter: See below in Owner’s Cash flows per cow section
We are reversing the depressing outlook in Desi cow business, driven with help from our food forests work. In process, we keep non injected milk, free roaming cows, and enough grass for them. Further we shall try to sell, unmixed raw milk direct to wanting consumers. Each cow to be tagged and milk from each cow separately accounted for to generate direct trust with any retail customer.

This is an offshoot of larger Aranyaani Food forests development plan. Aranyaani has established 20 Food forests where Cows can be readily integrated as ample food supply is available.
Consumption of Excess Biomass is a process that needs different types of Animals; hence Aranyaani has experimented with Goats, Birds, Cows and Buffaloes, over last 12 years. This was done without commercial usage of products.
Aranyaani, along with its affiliated land owners can now host upto 3000 cows in a sustainable and FREE ROAMING manner. We have ponds and water sources and tree shades for temperature control. And this number is increasing.
Milk scarcity is increasing with decreasing forest cover. And that trend shall continue for foreseeable future. Hence contrary to the trend of Cows being less economical due to Old age and lower fat milk, in our case nature helps in reducing costs of cows and usage of cowdung also assisting food forests.
- Own a Desi Cow (we prefer Sahiwal breed for this plan) costing approximately Rs. 55k + 5k to transport + 5k to insure+5k for lodging facilities = Rs. 70k , managed by us in our developed/ developing forests. It will be free roaming, on natural feed, and without injections.
- Revenue from milk shall be distributed as follows on full GROUP basis:
- 40 percent to Cow owner
- 40 percent to Aranynaani (as Operating partner) for caretaking and all operational costs.
- 20 percent to Aranyaani for Cow’s old age and calves.
- GROUP Basis means that ‘all cows’ milk shall be grouped to calculate total output and then revenue is calculated. It will protect individual owner against lower performance or mortality of their cow.
- Maximum Grouping size shall be 50. Data of all cows of that group shall be available separately.
- There will be a MINIMUM revenue guaranteed per owner , as given in next income chart.
- At the lower price band, bulk buyer Sanchi exists in MP. It mixes all milks based on fat value. We shall try to improve that rate as volume increases.
- There shall be milk revenue payable each quarter. The data of each cow shall be updated each week to start week, then on daily basis.
- Minimum Tenure for Cow ownership is 3 years. Thereafter, the owner shall have 4 options:
- Exit as per conditions
- Continue with the same cow for next 3 years, with revised milk forecast
- Shift to a new cow at a discounted amount (we will provide incentive if calves are healthy) . NOTE: It is expected that the second time iteration with a new cow shall come at much discount to current 70k
- Restart with a new cow .
- The Insurance procedure will require a local guardian of Cow. This is optional.

Agreement Terms:
The standard agreement is being uploaded. The terms shall reflect all the information above only.